Sometimes you just want easy...
My son is a prime example. Apparently completing the 5 steps of an AromaBoost to him, feels like an eternity! My dogs, well they are far better trained than my "skin puppies"! They would sit for hours and have an AromaBoost applied! However, there are many animals in this world that are not quite so patient. And, let's face it - sometimes it is just not convenient to carry around multiple bottles.
This is where Boost in a Bottle and Boost in a Bottle LITE come in. Each formula within the AromaBoost Collections is included in one convenient bottle - along with the additions of Nutmeg and Myrtle to support the Adrenal, Thyroid, and Endocrine System, Tangerine for additional support of tumors, and finally Melissa for its amazing anti-viral support and healing aspects. Just a little extra "something special" to make the Boost in a Bottle bottles - a bit more more special!
How is Boost in a Bottle Different?
I have been asked why AromaBoost would be applied in 5 different formulas, and not combined into one bottle as Boost in a Bottle. It's not that combining them is "bad" - it is just different. Take for example a full course meal. You might have an appetizer, soup, salad, an entree, and dessert. Each course is special in their own right. They have a different taste, feel, and enjoyment factor. But...blend them all together in a smoothie - and well...
Sure, you'll still get all of the physical benefits of the food. The nutrition and calories are all still present. But... I'm sure you can imagine the enjoyment of each meal item is a bit diminished. There is a distinct feel, emotional connection, and body response to each individual formula of the AromaBoost - just as there would be with food.
What we have found in our use of the Boost in a Bottle formulas, is that the onset of action is a bit slower and milder in nature. Still highly effective, but if push comes to shove, I may still select AromaBoost over Boost in a Bottle for those difficult, stubborn, or more serious conditions. One of my current favorite protocols is to use AromaBoost (LITE or RTU) as a weekly "Sunday Dinner" if you will, then apply Boost in a Bottle as needed in between these weekly AromaBoost applications.
And of course, it is important to just remember that some animals are just not quite as amenable to essential oil applications. So having one bottle to deal with and one application to perform - is pretty appreciated!
When to use Boost in a Bottle?
The indications for Boost in a Bottle are the same as for AromaBoost. Pretty much any condition and the need for full body support - would benefit from Boost in a Bottle. And if you happen to have an animal that seems to need less strong concentrations, now you can also select Boost in a Bottle LITE!
How I typically use Boost in a Bottle is for situations where I want easy and routine support of the immune system, detoxification, or particular conditions. Healthy dogs who might be attending a training class or visiting the vet's office - are perfect candidates to get a bit of a "Boost" to help them along. Adding protection against the "nasties", recovery and support from vaccination, surgery or other dog life encounters.
In working with rescue animals, I find it easier to travel with and use Boost in a Bottle out of sheer convenience. A Boost before transport or before entering a shelter situation, can help support a healthy immune system and hopefully reduce transmission of contagious concerns. Many of the oils within Boost in a Bottle may also prove helpful in support of topical fungal infections, insect pests, and other issues that are so common when animals are housed together.
A Boost can give a little "Rainbow Shield of Protection" to your furry friend - but is also supportive of emotional stress. Oils such as Frankincense and Melissa have long been touted for their support of emotions, and we see overall calming with use of this blend.
If you think AromaBoost would be helpful for your animal friend - then Boost in a Bottle is definitely something to try out! My dogs personally get AromaBoost sometimes, and then for the "in between" times or if I am just super busy - Boost in a Bottle is used. However, occasionally I note that one of my dogs just feels better when the full AromaBoost is used on him. He is getting older, and is being supported for a couple of "elder" health issues. Since we notice that his response to AromaBoost RTU is far stronger, longer, and better than with Boost in a Bottle - we tend to stick with the use of AromaBoost for him. He still may get a Boost in a Bottle when the rest of the dogs are having it applied, but we make sure he gets his regular AromaBoost applications as well.
Who is Boost in a Bottle or Boost in a Bottle LITE for?
Basically - Boost in a Bottle should be used for dogs and larger animals (horses, cows, goats, etc..). Boost in a Bottle LITE is intended for those animals in which regular Boost in a Bottle has seemed a bit too strong for. Both Boost in a Bottle, and Boost in a Bottle LITE should be used with the same directions. Neither Boost in a Bottle formula is intended for cats and smaller animals - with the exception of some chickens or specifically mentioned animals and situations. Cats should use KittyBoost or one of the body system support boosts (AdrenoBalance, CardioBoost, LiverBoost, NeuroBoost, SugarBalance, ThyroBalance, or UroBoost) as directed. Critters and other animals should use CritterBoost or the other formulations as directed.
Boost in a Bottle and Boost in a Bottle LITE are Ready To Use - and is already diluted to a strength that most animals tolerate readily. You can use these right out of the bottle, without any further dilution.
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