
French Green Clay

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The must have POWER HOUSE from animalEO!

Maybe you have heard of French Green Clay.  Maybe you have heard about it, but like me - just hadn't realized how wonderful it truly is!  In July of 2018 - I took a class from Caroline Ingraham on Zoopharmacognosy.  While we practice our "aromatherapy" with quite a bit of differences - we still had a lot that could be learned from each other.  And LEARN I did!  Caroline has used plain French Green Clay for many, many years for a variety of conditions and uses.  Naturally, my brain raced with all of the applications that I could see for this wondrous powder!

What IS French Green Clay?

Green Clay does not only have to be French.  There are many sources of the powdered clay mineral including China, Montana and Wyoming.  Green Clay is generally listed in the category of clay minerals known as illite clays.  There are quite a lot of types of clay mineral powders - and they are NOT the same as Green Clay (Bentonite, Kaolinite, French Red Clay, etc...).  Green Clay is indeed mined from deposits within the Earth - and then dried and crushed.  Naturally there are better deposits from others, and Green Clays that contain more or less of the valuable ingredients which reach beyond just minerals.  Within Green Clay we can find the remains of Kelp Seaweed and Algae - which give it its green color.  There can be variable levels of these other nutrients and minerals - which make the quality of the Green Clay more desirable or more effective.  In general, French Green Clay is thought of as the "gold standard" for Green Clay.

French Green Clay has been used in cosmetics, facial scrubs, masks, and soaps extensively.  In ancient medicine, cultures used Green Clay to treat a variety of skin and gastrointestinal issues.  When I was introduced to French Green Clay - my brain nearly exploded!  Where had this wonderful powder been all my life?  And why wasn't I using it within Veterinary Aromatic Medicine!!!???

How do I love thee... Let me count the ways...

Here is a nutshell of what French Green Clay can do.  It can dry weepy, moist wounds.  It cools and soothes irritations on the skin.  It can act as an antibacterial as well as an anti-fungal.  It can absorb essential oils that are applied incorrectly to an animal, or absorb and relieve discomfort from an essential oil application that was a bit too aggressive or accidentally applied in an incorrect dose or manner.  French Green Clay alone - is an amazing substance.  It really should be on every veterinary shelf and available for every potential pet "poisoning" involving ANY topical substance in my opinion.  I would LOVE to change the whole Pet Poison Control industry - and retrain them on how to act when an animal is inadvertently exposed to poor quality or excessive quantities and concentrations of essential oils or any other similar substance that needs to be absorbed and removed from an animal.

Using French Green Clay alone, was sure to be a new chapter to my veterinary career.  But naturally, my brain ventures to other things.  Other Aromatic things.  Veterinary Aromatic Medicine things!  We all know about carrier oils and their use with essential oils.  If an inappropriate essential oil application occurs - we immediately say, "Apply some coconut oil" or "Apply some olive oil" or whatever fatty substance we can to dilute the application and presence of the essential oils.  But, this does not remove the essential oil.  It only dilutes it.  The over-dosage if an over-dosage was applied - is still present and able to slowly be absorbed into the body.  So while we may remove the topical direct skin irritation with a carrier oil - we DO NOT remove the actual amount of essential oil that has been applied and is still present on the body.  When I have been contacted by worried veterinarians or animal guardians - I usually recommend a different "decontamination" process than the typical.  Soap up the animal with a natural and organic shampoo - WITHOUT water first.  This will bind to all of the essential oil first, then we can wash it away.  But when most people suggest that an animal is bathed to remove a toxic substance - they will wet the animal down with water first.  And for the most part, that water will be warm.  Warm water will actually open pores and increase the circulation to the skin - creating a situation where the toxin could actually be absorbed MORE into the skin.  And when we consider lipophillic substances (fat loving or fat soluble items), we know that oil and water do not mix.  So...when we wet down an animal with warm water to decontaminate them - we also DRIVE that substance into the skin further.  And our warm water we used - actually enhanced the entire process!  OOPS!  That is not a good thing!  For the last few years, I have been trying to get the point across to soap an animal prior to wetting them - and then if possible, to use cool water to wash and rinse them with (to keep pores and circulation more closed).  As you can imagine, a cold bath is even more fun for a cat than a warm bath!!!

Enter French Green Clay!

Have you ever witnessed vomit being cleaned up with a powdery type of substance?  I know that sounds really gross - but it is a common thing that people understand.  When a harmful substance is spilled, we often use materials that bind to that substance, and help to remove it.  French Green Clay is a lot like this.  Although, it is actually therapeutic in its own right as well!  So, NOW I would fully suggest that any animal or human who is exposed to an undiluted essential oil or inappropriate use of an essential oil that causes some irritation or concern for "over dosage" - should use French Green Clay to "mop up" the situation - while also providing cooling comfort!  Green Clay is really amazing!

But That's Not All!

Plain French Green Clay is now be available through animalEO - as part of the proper expansion of Veterinary Aromatic Medicine.  Some always have Fractionated Coconut Oil on hand when they use essential oils.  However, I am going to urge you fully - to ALWAYS have some plain French Green Clay on hand if you deal with essential oils in ANY way, shape, or form!  Like a carrier oil - this should be a staple when using essential oils (for humans or animals).

HOWEVER, just as we add many wonderful essential oils into a fatty carrier oil - we can add essential oils to French Green Clay to create an amazing and synergistic treatment!  French Green Clay is not only a wonderful tool for safe use of essential oils, it is a therapeutic material in itself.  And when this therapeutic mineral powder is mixed with essential oils - we actually get a synergistic action that is like no other!

Say you have a moist, yeasty ear infection in a dog.  Not only is this itchy and uncomfortable, it can be hot and inflamed as well as riddled with yeast and/or bacteria.  My veterinary brain jumped with joy at the thought of not only being able to soothe and dry an ear infection - but to add essential oils into this process, creating an amazing treatment dust!  You likely know already that essential oils carry antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumoral properties and more!  So to add essential oils to an amazing "carrier" such as French Green Clay - well I dare say this will be revolutionary!

Since July of 2018, I've been using French Green Clay - and French Green Clay mixed with essential oils extensively in veterinary cases.  And I AM FLOORED!  The stuff is amazing (if I do say so myself)!  This is often used as a dry powder - and a clean make-up brush is the perfect way to apply animalEO Green Clay to an area of need.  Just get a dusting on the brush, then dust onto the animal.  Be careful of eyes of course - but dusting with the powdered brush inside the ears, in between toes, around vulvar folds, around an anus, inside lip folds (not with the same brush used to apply around the anus please!), in armpits, in groin areas, on bellies, on lick granulomas, at cast changes, under name it!  The only areas I am extremely cautious around are face folds near the eyes.  I would be extremely careful to not get any powder with in the eyes - and it can be a dusty event to apply - so PLEASE USE CAUTION!

Again, the powder is supplied to you in the DRY form.  It can be used dry, or in some cases water or even a carrier oil can be added to it to create a mask or poultice.  Not all animals or application areas are great candidates for a mask, so it can take some thinking through.  With the use of the dry Green Clays, there is a potential for dry skin to become "more dry" from an application - as it can and will suck moisture out of an area.  So please be mindful and watch for any potential skin irritations caused by excessive drying.  Stop use immediately if you see anything that looks like a potential problem.  In our current use of the Green Clay - we literally have veterinarians raving about the results!  We are excited to bring this opportunity for health and healing to you!  The plain French Green Clay, Skin Spray Base Green Clay, and YeastyBeasty Green Clay are currently available for purchase, with even more formulations coming late 2022!

Key Search Words:  toxic toxicity poison wrong application ear infections yeast dermatitis hot spot rash  


French Green Clay (plain)

Ingredients: French Green Clay

Select French Green Clay to absorb unwanted essential oil applications, and as a safety tool when using essential oils.

Skin Spray Base Green Clay

Ingredients: French Green Clay, Skin Spray Base Essential Oil Blend

Select Skin Spray Base Green Clay to soothe and heal lesions, with moderate antibacterial and anti-fungal support.

YeastyBeasty Green Clay

Ingredients:  French Green Clay, YeastyBeasty Essential Oil Blend

Select YeastyBeasty Green Clay to soothe and heal lesions, while providing strong antibacterial and anti-fungal support.

Instructions for Use

French Green Clay

PrintSelect French Green Clay to absorb unwanted essential oil applications, and as a safety tool when using essential oils.

Select Skin Spray Base Green Clay to soothe and heal lesions, with moderate antibacterial and anti-fungal support.

Select YeastyBeasty Green Clay to soothe and heal lesions, while providing strong antibacterial and anti-fungal support.

There are so many situations in which animalEO French Green Clays can be used, as well as for so many species!  It would be impossible to list them all, with individual instructions for each situation, but the basics are the same.  Dust the powder onto the area of need (this is generally a moist area requiring drying), avoiding the eyes and avoiding general inhalation as much as possible.  For most situations, you can dust the product on "as needed".  So as soon as a lesion appears moist again, or appears to need treatment - you can re-apply.  It is fine for a "cake" or "crust" of the clay to be present on certain wounds and lesions.  This acts almost as a "therapeutic scab" of sorts - so just allow it to fall off on its own.

Applications can be performed with a clean make-up brush, by dabbing with your finger, sprinkling from a shaker bottle, or applying a pinch or more to an area with your hand.  Each case, location, and situation may be slightly different in need.  A wound on the belly of a horse, may require Green Clay in the palm of your hand, then patted into the area for example.  As a rule - I try not to "double dip" into the jar of Green Clay with anything that might be dirty or has touched an infected area.  Again, we are trying to keep our "stock" application jar clean and free of contamination.  Dump a little bit of the Green Clay powder into another dish or onto another surface for your individual applications.  Use a clean brush if you are applying to a new animal, or to a new location.  Clean any applicator you use if it has come in contacted with infected materials and body fluids.  Do not place "dirty" yet unused clay back into your original jar.

As French Green Clay has been used internally for a variety of gastrointestinal issues, we do not have concern if the powder is licked off of a wound or area of application.  While we may attempt to avoid excessive consumption of the Green Clay - the ways in which we recommend the use of animalEO Green Clays are unlikely to provide significant levels of clay powder to ingest.

Birds/Exotics:  animalEO Green Clays can be wonderful for several conditions in these species.  However, you may find it a bit more challenging to apply.  Bumble Foot in chickens, ducks, or other fowl can benefit greatly from either Skin Spray Base Green Clay or YeastyBeasty Green Clay applications.  Ideally, keep the area out of water when applying Green Clays.  Apply the dry powder directly to the lesion two to three times a day, or as needed if a wound is weeping and moist.  Whenever the wound appears to have moistened the previous Green Clay application - just re-apply.  No need to clean off the previous powder or crusts - just allow them to fall off naturally on their own.  Parrots who are self-mutilators can greatly benefit from an animalEO Green Clay application as well.  Again, use caution to avoid the bird from inhaling undue amounts of dust - but sprinkling or dusting (with a makeup brush)  Skin Spray Base Green Clay or YeastyBeasty Green Clay onto a mutilation wound can greatly help with comfort and healing.  If you think soothing is most important - I tend to use the Skin Spray Base Green Clay.  When infections are more suspected - I tend to select the YeastyBeasty Green Clay.  However, both selections are appropriate to use.  Other animals such as rabbits, ferrets, chinchillas, rats, mice, etc... can use the animalEO Green Clays as well.  Animals in which I may not use Green Clay - would include naturally "moist" animals such as amphibians and fish.  If it would be unhealthy for that animal to have very dry skin - then using animalEO Green Clays on them would not be appropriate.  However, if a snake or lizard had a tumor that was broken open - I would for sure use the Green Clay powders on the open tumor itself.

Cats:  animalEO Green Clays can also be wonderful for certain feline conditions.  Cats just happen to be a bit more particular about having things applied to them.  Cats with scabs and weeping wounds and scratches, can greatly benefit from either of the animalEO Green Clays.  Again, avoid getting the powder in the eyes, or large amounts of dust near the face where larger amounts could be inhaled.  French Green Clay is not as harmful as finer powders (such as Diatomaceous Earth) when small amounts are inhaled.  Our respiratory system catches Green Clay particles much as it filters out dust and debris from breathing outside air.  Diatomaceous Earth is a much finer particle, with "sharper" edges which can do damage to the delicate respiratory system.  While using French Green Clay - I have been enveloped in "puffs" and I can attest that my nasal hairs seem to catch the majority of the dust in the air, preventing it from entering my lungs.

Cat conditions that are particularly suited to animalEO Green Clay applications include ear inflammations and infections, scabs and wounds from scratching and itching, areas of secondary infections, eosinophilic granuloma areas (use caution if considering applying near the face or lips, body locations are more suited to easy applications), areas of over-grooming and self-trauma to the skin, and so forth.  Cat abscesses are quite common - and we desire these to drain.  Depending on the individual situation, animalEO Green Clay could be used on an abscess or cat bite area - however I would suggest working closely with an experienced veterinarian to evaluate if the Green Clay is being used at the correct time for the body to heal in the most ideal way.  Again use Skin Spray Base Green Clay when more of a soothing or healing application is desired, and use YeastyBeasty Green Clay when infections are suspected.  Both can be used for cats - and sometimes trying each version to see which is more effective for your individual feline is ideal.

Cats exposed to ringworm can use YeastyBeasty Green Clay for both preventative measures as well as treatment.  YeastyBeasty Green Clay may also be an effective aid in insect prevention.  For generalized applications, "dusting" the entire cat with a light coating of the animalEO Green Clay and rubbing it into the coat is suggested (much like "old flea powder" applications).  Again, all attempts to avoid eyes and direct inhalation is still recommended.

Dogs:  Dogs are exceptionally well suited for all sorts of use of animalEO Green Clays.  The results we have been witnessing for almost a year, are making veterinarians very happy (as well as animal guardians)!  From lick granulomas, to non-healing wounds, to yeasty paws, skin fold dermatitis, hot spots, ear infections and more... animalEO Green Clay is bound to rock the veterinary world!  Any skin condition that would seem to require drying, healing, and soothing is a perfect situation to use animalEO Green Clays!  Again - apply with a brush, by hand, dust it on, dab it on, just get it on!  Apply the dry powder as often as needed - usually once to twice a day.  If a wound is extra weepy and moist - re-apply the Green Clay as soon as there appears to be moisture present again.  In the beginning, this may even be more often than three times a day - and that is okay.  After a day or two, you will usually have to apply it less frequently.

In our veterinary hospital - I used to apply a lot of casts and splints to animals in need.  This year, one of our new puppies had to be in a cast and the Skin Spray Base French Green Clay was used to dry the skin under the cast and to keep the skin dry and happy.  In the past, we used traditional powders such as NeoPredef Powder - for drying as well as anti-inflammatory needs.  Now I do not have to use traditionally medicated powders!

Horses & Large Animals:  Basically apply the same way as for Dogs.  Any condition that would require drying, soothing, and antibacterial, anti-fungal, and/or anti-inflammatory needs - animalEO French Green Clays are fabulous for!  On the bottom of hooves, you may have a harder time applying unless you are using a wrap or a bandage.  Rain rot, skin infections, weeping sores, and even spots related to insect bites can be soothed with animalEO French Green Clay powders.  Choose YeastyBeasty French Green Clay when you suspect infections or have stubborn insect areas, and select Skin Spray Base French Green Clay if you desire soothing with a more gentle antibacterial and anti-fungal action.  With large wounds, you may wish to use quite a lot of the Green Clay on the area - and this is fine.  Apply until the moisture with the wound is saturated with the clay powder.  Any excess will fall off (which is a little bit of a waste, but is expected).  Re-apply as needed - usually twice a day until the lesion appears better.  Then gradually reduce how often you apply.  animalEO Green Clays will not hurt intact skin, however it could dry it out a bit.  Application to "normal" areas may result in a bit of dry skin.  As with other animals - avoid contact with delicate areas such as the eyes.Print


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*DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not to replace proper medical care and guidance. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA - and any recommendation is not intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease or condition. Please work with your veterinarian with any health concern.