ThyroBalance is a Ready To Use (RTU) product - which is already diluted to a rate that most animals can tolerate easily. ThyroBalance builds upon our KittyBoost formula - adding a myriad of Thyroid supporting essential oils to the already amazing and supportive blend. KittyBoost, as well as ThyroBalance, are not "just for cats" - read below for directions for each species.
Supporting Normal Thyroid Function
Many essential oils have been useful in supporting the endocrine system and normal Thyroid function. ThyroBalance was created to support all spectrums of Thyroid balance - and is appropriate for use with both Hyperthyroidism (high) and Hypothyroidism (low).
How can a blend support both high and low functioning Thyroid conditions? That is the beauty of Mother Nature! Natural remedies (think of food and great nutrition) support the body to function normally. Rarely, and usually only in drastically over-dosed situations - do we see abnormal dose-dependent manipulation of bodily values. So, a dog that has Hypothyroidism - will find support for the Thyroid and the entire endocrine system to function on a more efficient level, without irritation from inflammation and with a balancing of emotions and stress. Essential oils support the normal function of the body - so if the Thyroid and endocrine system are needing to function more - the body will be supported to do so. And, the reverse is also true - if a Hyperthyroid cat needs the Thyroid to calm down, and stop functioning too much - the body will also be supported in this endeavor.
Can I get my animal off of Thyroid medications?
I get this question all of the time. People would like to get their cat off of Methimazole or their dog off of Thyroid medications - and hope that they can find a natural remedy to do so. In our veterinary practice, I have seen a lot of things - but complete reversal of Thyroid conditions - I would say is unlikely to happen with the majority of holistic and natural remedies available to us today. I firmly believe in providing multiple modalities to support the Thyroid when issues are at hand - Standard Process Whole Food Supplements (such as Canine Thyroid Support or Feline Hepatic Support), reducing vaccinations, providing Spring Water instead of city or tap water, eliminating household toxins, improving diet... And even more importantly, providing these things to animals BEFORE they develop a Thyroid condition. In this day and age, it is almost expected that a cat will develop hyperthyroidism at some point in their senior life. It is not an "if", but a "when" - and that is a sad state of affairs. I feel that environmental toxins (such as fragrance in kitty litter, household cleaners, air fresheners, fabric softeners, tap water...), vaccinations, and processed diets play a huge role in this epidemic of hyperthyroid cats. It is likely that there is not just one answer to the condition - but many layers of our "everyday" exposures to things that mess with our bodies.
It is incredibly important with a Thyroid compromised animal (horse, dog, cat, or otherwise) - to eliminate their exposure to the problem areas that are contributing to the destruction of their Thyroid function. If we only add the use of essential oils, but continue to feed overly processed and "species inappropriate" diets, provide tap water for drinking, and use harmful chemicals in our daily lives - we will just continue to fight an uphill battle. The essential oils may be able to ameliorate a little bit of the damage we keep contributing to - but the Thyroid is still stressed and being damaged on a daily basis. Eventually a losing battle.
What will I see with ThyroBalance?
What I see in my veterinary experience, is that my patients required less medication or that they maintained on less for a longer period of time. I truly feel that those who I got on a "healthy Thyroid regimen" early in life - seemed to not create the Thyroid issues that were common for their breed, species, or age. Of course, we could never say that only the essential oil use kept animals from creating Thyroid issues - as we did focus on a holistic approach. We aim for a more ideal diet, whole food nutritional supplements, better water sources, less vaccinations, along with regular essential oil use to help ensure that the animal is in the best position to never create a Thyroid issue in the first place. I would much rather put my energy into the prevention of a disease, than to try to reverse it once it has developed. I feel that if most of our "normal" and young animals were routinely supported in normal body functions - we would have a much healthier population of animals.
I personally support all of my cats' Thyroid function on a regular basis. Even while they are still kittens. Every few months, their regular KittyBoost application will change to being a ThyroBalance application instead. As some of my cats get older, I may provide more Thyroid support for them. One of my cats is a breed who is prone to heart problems - however being a cat in general, she is also prone to developing Hyperthyroidism as she ages. So for her - she gets an essential oil application twice a month - and these applications rotate between CardioBoost, ThyroBalance, and LiverBoost. If I suspected that she were having a bit more cardiac compromise, or that as she aged, her Thyroid needed more support, I could use just one of these blends, or use one of them more frequently. The base benefit of the KittyBoost is always there - just with a bit more support towards a certain body system - depending on which formula you select.
Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Frankincense (Boswellia carterii), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Helichrysum (H. Italicum), Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis), Oregano (Origanum vulgare), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), Marjoram (Origanum majorana), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Catnip (Nepeta cataria), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), Melissa (Melissa officinalis), Spearmint (Mentha spicata), Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata), Spruce, Black (Picea mariana), Ledum (Ledum groenlandicum), Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus).
Base Oils
Our KittyBoost product is the base for ThyroBalance. By adding specific essential oils that support Thyroid function and health, the KittyBoost becomes ThyroBalance...
Frankincense* is heavily researched for anti-tumor activity. It is helpful to support behavioral conditions, depression, brain disorders, seizures, immune system stimulation and regulation, autoimmune disorders, DNA repair, and more. Frankincense is also considered a "life force" oil and has been used extensively in critical cases in our veterinary hospital. Frankincense also seems to be what we refer to as a "magnifying" oil - which means that is appears to magnify and enhance the effects of other essential oils when they are used concurrently.
Copaiba* supports the body when inflammation is present - and inflammation is present in all situations of illness. Healing of the body can take place with greater ease, when the stress of dealing with inflammation can be removed. Stress depresses the immune system, as well as results in delayed healing - not only from illness, but form surgical procedures and injury. Copaiba also tends to magnify the effects of other oils and natural remedies as a regular course of action.
Helichrysum* is truly a miraculous oil, and is worthy of use with almost every situation. Helichrysum tends to bring the body to a point of homeostasis. Whatever is needed within the body, appears to be honored. Helichrysum is especially indicated to support nerve regeneration and neurologic conditions, hearing impairment, circulatory and blood vessel disorders, heart disease, blood clots, liver disease, hypertension, chelation of chemicals, toxin exposure, poisoning, vaccination detoxification, healing of lacerations and wounds, for control of pain. There is not much that Helichrysum does not contribute to, and it falls into a category of "must have" oils in my opinion.
Oregano* has many reported properties, which even alone, would be amazing. Then, when added with Thyme, the supportive properties increase even further - especially in regards to supporting the immune system. These are "hot oils", high in phenols, and must be used properly in animals, especially cats. Although these oils may carry more concern for some to see in a product for use with cats, rest assured, that I have used these formulas with thousands of cats, and even have documented blood work safety data for over 3 years on a cat who is getting an application of these oils TWICE A DAY! These oils are an amazing part of the KittyBoost when used in proper dilution.
Basil* is widely used to support normal histamine levels in our veterinary practice. Although there have been some cautionary statements in regards to Basil with individuals who seizure or have epilepsy, we have not found this to be an issue when used properly. The KittyBoost has been a hallmark treatment for many of our patients, especially those with seizures, and although we monitor all animals closely for any sort of adverse response to oils (no matter what the oil is) - in practice we have seen many more benefits than reasons to avoid the use of Basil. Basil is helpful with liver and pancreatic concerns, and so much more.
Cypress* is mainly used to increase circulation, and aids in every condition with this quality. After all, almost every function in the body relies on proper circulation to work properly. Resorption of bruises, improvement of circulation, and circulatory disorders are primary attributes of this oil.
Marjoram* is well known as one of the "muscle" essential oils, but it is also indicated for body and joint discomfort, arthritis, respiratory conditions (expectorant and mucolytic), muscle spasms, muscle conditions, increasing healthy motility of the gastrointestinal tract, fluid retention, lowering blood pressure, vasodilation, circulatory disorders, and nerve pain. Marjoram carries effects for menstrual problems and PMS in humans, which appears to carry over into hormonal issues in animals as well. Marjoram is an important part of our Hormone Blend.
Lavender* is also well known for use with muscular issues, however, Lavender is an oil that is a veritable "Jack of all trades." Unfortunately, Lavender is also one of the most adulterated and synthetically altered essential oils on the market today. Very few available Lavender oils are pure enough to be called veterinary grade, or qualify for use in animals. We source our Lavender from a grower/distiller that I personally know, and the wonderful qualities of this particular source of oil, is exceptionally suited for use in animals. We are very fortunate to have continued and excellent access to this limited commodity of high quality oil. Lavender is especially indicated for skin conditions, muscular concerns, for calming effects, for burns and frostbite, high blood pressure, cardiac issues, insomnia, and more.
Peppermint* - when used properly, Peppermint is highly beneficial and not overwhelming to animal systems. Peppermint is often used as a "driving oil", which means that it appears to enhance the penetration of other oils. Peppermint's reported properties include supporting the body against inflammation, bacteria, viral, and fungal infections, gall bladder and digestive stimulation, and appetite suppression (although we also find that it's anti-nausea effects can help animals who are also not eating).
Catnip oil* is a relative newcomer to the scene of essential oils for animals. I have been "dabbling" with it for several years, as much of the research associated with it, considers it to be a more effective insect repellent than DEET. And, of course we know that cats and catnip have a long "romance" if you will. Catnip oil as an undiluted or neat oil - is actually quite repulsive. It is intensely strong, and must be diluted for proper use (or if you want other humans to want to be near you!) Since cats need routine help with flea prevention, ear mites, and even repelling of ticks - Catnip oil has become a fun introduction to our veterinary line up. Not only do cats love it for the "happy feelings" that it brings, but the anti-bug properties are showing amazing promise.
Fennel* carries with it benefits and support for blood sugar balancing, blood purification, urinary tract health, support of milk production, and gastrointestinal concerns.
Myrrh* is often referred to as a "Mother Oil" it is that important. Myrrh is also supportive for many endocrine and hormonal conditions including support of the Thyroid, growth hormone production, pituitary gland function, and hypothalamus function. Since many cats are prone to Hyperthyroidism, Myrrh is an important inclusion to KittyBoost.
Citronella* is also included in the KittyBoost for its safe and documented use for insect repellent properties in humans and animals.
And finally, Melissa essential oil* is one of my favorites, and falls into a "must-have" category of oils for me. Although being quite an expensive oil, not many people were able to afford routine access to it, even when it would make critical differences in their animals' health. Melissa is a powerful oil with a very high vibrational energy. Melissa is incredibly supportive to the body in fighting viral conditions and also has very high histamine balancing type actions. Melissa is used to support the body for many conditions including depression, anxiety, pruitis (itching), hives, seizures, anaphylaxis, nausea, indigestion, liver and gall bladder concerns, and even cardiac issues.
Added Essential Oils
Myrrh: Classically regarded as an essential oil that supports the Thyroid - additional Myrrh is added to our KittyBoost formula. Often regarded more towards Hyperthyroidism, Myrrh actually contributes to a normal and balanced function - however is extremely helpful when thyroid levels are raised.
Myrtle: Another essential oil classically regarded to support the Thyroid, Myrtle is often thought of for Hypothyroidism.
Geranium: Used for many purposes in the animal kingdom, Geranium can be useful for liver and pancreas support, skin conditions, hormone balancing, and to stimulate the healthy output of the adrenocortical glands.
Spearmint: Often used to support the endocrine system.
Clove: One of the most anti-oxidant essential oils - it can help to reduce damage of every day life in the body. Although controversial due to high Eugenol content - Clove oil used in proper amounts is highly beneficial in supporting the body. Included in small amounts within this blend, Clove adds its benefits, without undue worry. However, care should be taken with animals who are bleeding, have a tendency to bleed, or are on any sort of anti-coagulant therapy when Clove oil is used. The over-use of essential oil(s) that have anti-coagulant actions (such as Clove), especially in oral administration, can produce a temporary and dose dependent increase in bleeding and reduction of clotting. With proper dosing and usage, as described for ThyroBalance, we have not experienced concern clinically.
Black Spruce: Spruce has often been regarded for corticoid type actions, and is incredibly supportive of reducing inflammation and for support of the entire endocrine system.
Ledum: Used to support the Liver especially - we see a lot of improvement when the liver is supported in cases of Thyroid disease. With cats, often times additional support of the liver alone, will help to regulate Thyroid values.
Lavender: Additional Lavender is added to create ThyroBalance. See below for descriptions.
Lemongrass: Known as a tonic for the body and regulator of the parasympathetic system.
Instructions for Use
ThyroBalance IS NOT for diffusion - as it contains Fractionated Coconut Oil!
Almost all animals can use ThyroBalance. Although, further dilution may be required for certain species. For animals completely new to essential oil use - please check back for our new educational page soon - for much more in depth descriptions and examples.
Birds & Small Exotics: For these animals, it is wise to start with a more diluted product. I recommend placing 1 part ThyroBalance into 10 parts of Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) - so for example 10 drops of ThyroBalance into 100 drops of FCO. (You can mix these new dilutions in our glass bottles available on our Bottle Page). Ideally, this mixture is rocked several times a day, and allowed to "marry" for 24 hours or more before use. This solution can then be used similarly to our CritterBoost product - and a visit to that educational page may add some additional insight. The information on our Birds or Exotics pages in the top menu - is also helpful in understanding the use of essential oils for these particular animals.
Birds and Chickens can have the diluted ThyroBalance rubbed into their feet. Even having it completely absorbed into your hands, then having your parrot perch on your hands, will enable enough essential oil to cross over, and provide a health benefit! For a smaller bird, such as our Lovebird - I will typically put about 2 drops of the diluted ThyroBalance on my fingers, and then massage it onto her feet and ankles - avoiding her feathers. For our Chickens, we can do the same, however, we can use approximately 3-5 drops massaged into each foot. Chickens are overall very hardy, and can be exposed to essential oils in many ways to maintain health and help prevent illness. Many Chickens can use ThyroBalance undiluted, and directly from the bottle. For chickens - also see our information on ChickyWicky.
Ferrets: For ferrets who are new to oil use, you may also wish to start with a diluted solution (as described above) initially. Then gradually increase the strength over time. In general for most ferrets - dripping 1-5 drops into your hands, rubbing them together, and applying the oils in a Petting manner works great. You can also drip the oils up their back, then massage them in. I will usually apply the ThyroBalance once, then wait and see how the ferret does. Sometimes we see no change, and that is okay too. But, occasionally a ferret that feels unwell, will certainly start to show that they are feeling better. When this happens - then I try to time the next application for when the "feeling" wore off. Basically tailoring the frequency that we apply the oils - directly to how long it lasts for the individual ferret. For happy, healthy ferrets just looking for health and potential prevention - I will typically apply every 1-3 weeks. With ferrets who are not feeling well - I may apply every 1-7 days. It really will all depend on the ferret, and how they respond or feel.
Cats: Cats can use ThyroBalance in place of KittyBoost when extra support of their thyroid is desired. Some cats may already be using our KittyBoost product - and you may want to try the ThyroBalance for them. When this is the case, I often recommend just using ThyroBalance in the same effective methods, doses, and ways that you have already been using the KittyBoost. ThyroBalance is especially indicated for cats with Hyperthyroidism - but is best used before a cat is experiencing illness from thyroid disease. If your cat is ill, you will need to have your veterinarian correct the medical issues at hand, prior to expecting essential oils to aid drastically. Although essential oils may ease nausea, vomiting, hyperactive behaviors, tachycardia and other symptoms of hyperthyroidism - I truly find that essential oil use "shines" when used in preventive measures or for cases detected very early in their progression. For extremely thin cats with advanced Thyroid disease - veterinary intervention is often necessary. However, I do use essential oils right alongside of my traditional means - and they appear to help greatly.
Cats can usually use ThyroBalance right out of the bottle, in the same methods as described for KittyBoost. However, for those of a more delicate nature - further dilution initially (as described above) is a wise start. If your cat is new to essential oils, follow the instructions on the KittyBoost page regarding application.
Alternating use of KittyBoost, LiverBoost, ThyroBalance or other body supporting "boosters" can be a great way to provide all over system support on a routine basis. For example, one of my cats gets a "boost" weekly. One week I may use KittyBoost, the following week I use ThyroBalance, and then the next week I might select CardioBoost. Each time, I am supporting a body system just a little bit more specifically - good insurance for the future in my eyes. However, for one of my cats who is a breed prone to developing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - I may select CardioBoost more often or as my main selection. ThyroBalance could be used without rotation to other formulas for animals with mainly Thyroid support desired.
Dogs: Many dogs can benefit from additional thyroid support - even if they are clinically "normal" - an occasional ThyroBalance is a great idea.
For general maintenance, dogs can have an occasional application of ThyroBalance for added support of maintaining a healthy and happy Thyroid. This application can be inserted into an AromaBoost application - generally between the #3 and #4 application - although any spot is technically okay. Use whichever schedule you are using for your AromaBoost applications - and apply the same amount of drops as you would with formulas 1-5.
You can also apply ThyroBalance as a separate application unto itself - if desired. In general, 3-5 drops are applied to small dogs, around 10 pounds (4.5 kgs) and under. However, for dogs who are new to oils, or may be more sensitive - diluting your first few applications can make applications easier on your dog.
Basically, you can just drip the oils up the back and massage in, or you may apply the drops to your hands and then apply them to your dog in a Petting manner. For larger dogs - you can usually apply more drops. For medium dogs between 25-50 pounds applying 5-8 drops is average. And for large dogs over 50 pounds - a range of 6-12 drops can be used. For dogs new to essential oils - starting with even less than the recommended amounts, or with further diluted oils can be a good way to ensure you do not create an oil aversion. You may not see results with lesser amounts, or with further diluted oils sometimes, but since we are also wanting to create a "happy" situation with oil use for your dog, and not overwhelm them - the added time to slowly build up concentrations of essential oil use can be worth it.
For dogs who have been diagnosed with thyroid disease - it is important that you work with your veterinarian, and monitor your dog closely with their aid. Never neglect the use of veterinary diagnostics and traditional treatments when they are indicated, and make sure to tell your vet that you are using natural substances that help support thyroid health and function.
For my own dogs - I often rotate through several of the body specific support blends, each time I perform their "routine maintenance". So, if my dogs get a monthly AromaBoost RTU applied - I might insert ThyroBalance one month, then CardioBoost another month, and so on. However, for my patients who do have existing Hypothyroidism or other thyroid disease, I will strive to support their thyroid much more often, and regularly. In some cases, daily applications of ThyroBalance can be considered - but I find that every 3-7 days is average for most dogs needing additional Thyroid support.
For Horses, Cows, Goats, and other large animals: ThyroBalance can also be used just as it would for dogs. Drops are placed approximately 3 inches apart up the spine, then rubbed in. Most large animals will have between 6-12 drops applied. If you suspect that your animal may be particularly sensitive to oil applications, start out applying only 5-8 drops along their back. You can always apply more later, but you cannot "take it away." That is one of the most important concepts to understand with use of aromatherapy in animals. Start with really light applications, you may just be surprised at how effective they are, and will not need to waste additional oils by applying more than is needed!
Just as for dogs (please do read all animal descriptions - even for birds - they are extremely educational!) - ThyroBalance can be used alone, or as an insertion into an AromaBoost RTU application. Routine maintenance and thyroid support can be provided through weekly to monthly applications - and in more severe cases of need - you may find that applications every 1-7 days may be more beneficial. It is important to monitor your animal, and work with your veterinarian to evaluate symptoms and determine if your support is changing things for the better, or if you may need want to try larger amounts or more frequent applications.
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