Keep cows and other milk-producing animals vital and healthy!
If you are milking - you are already touching an animal once or twice a day. You might as well make your touch a beneficial and therapeutic one! Why apply toxic cleaners and chemicals to an udder, that is directly a source of food?
Essential oils can provide wonderful and natural disinfection and help to prevent a variety of health issues - without concern of creating resistant bacteria. This is because essential oils change slightly from season to season, and from harvest to harvest. This slight variation keeps pathogens from figuring out ways to outsmart the "system" and develop resistance.
We have not experienced any concern with using essential oils alongside of traditional drugs or treatments, nor are there any recommended withdrawal times for milk consumption after the use of essential oils - either topically or orally. However, if the milk is from an active mastitis case, I would typically refrain from ingesting it.
Instructions for Use
Udder Vitality
PrintAlthough Udder Vitality is an undiluted blend, it is not suggested for diffusion.
Birds & Exotics: Udder Vitality is not recommended for use with these species. CritterBoost is recommended for these animals.
Cats: Udder Vitality is not recommended for use. KittyBoost would be recommended for mammary issues in cats.
Dogs: There are not many instances where dogs will need to use Udder Vitality on a regular basis - however we have had several cases of mastitis and abscesses in nursing mothers, where Udder Vitality can be helpful. Using the DIY Udder Salve recipe listed below, or diluting Udder Vitality in Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) would be the recommended route of application. I would suggest adding between 5-20 drops of Udder Vitality to 10mL (2 teaspoons) of FCO as a starting concentration. Then apply this mixture two to three times a day to the swollen mammary tissue. If nursing pups are still with the mom, monitor them closely to ensure that they are still nursing, and not concerned about the application of essential oils to the mom. We have not found any issues actually, but I will still always recommend the careful monitoring of the response of both mom and pups. If there is already a mammary issue, milk supply or willingness to nurse pups may be compromised - and it is important that weights and conditions are closely watched.
With dogs, we do not recommend the oral use of Udder Vitality - with the exception of the slight amounts that nursing pups would ingest. However, delivery via capsule or within food or water - is not recommended without direct consultation with a veterinary aromatherapist.
Horses, Cattle, and other Large Animals: Horses are generally not milked, and so their use of Udder Vitality is often more similar to what is described for dogs. However, Horses can follow the ingestion directions if their case shows that oral use is indicated. For most milking animals - the routine use of Udder Vitality in their Udder Wash or Teat Dip/Salve is a wonderful idea for preventive measures. We usually find that farms who have had higher somatic cell counts, or repeat cases of mastitis, find that they are experiencing far less occurrences, maintain lower cell counts, and also are experiencing higher milk volumes. Cows, Goats, and Farmers are all happier!
Prevention or early treatment is ideal. If a milk animal progresses to a state where there is significant mastitis, abscesses, swollen quarters, or where milk needs to be "dumped" - then more aggressive treatment with Udder Vitality may be needed. In these cases - I will still use the Udder Wash and Teat Salve as described, but will usually add higher amounts of Udder Vitality to them. I will also sometimes apply Udder Vitality directly to the udder as well - either diluted 1/2 and 1/2 with Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) or even applied neat (undiluted) in some cases. Applying once or twice a day is often realistic for most.
For some more severe cases, additional use of Udder Vitality orally may be helpful. Starting with 1 drop of Udder Vitality per 200 pounds of animal, given twice a day, is a good start. Some animals may need to increase to 2 drops per 200 pounds in severe cases. This can be dripped directly into the mouth (this is easier with horses - see the Horse page HERE), mixed with feed, or added to water. In general, mixing with feed is easiest for cattle, goats, or horses - and you should strive to have them ingest the entire amount of "essential oil feed" at one setting.
Udder Wash Recipe
You can make your own Udder Wash for goats, cows, or any other milking animal.
- 1/2 Gallon of Water
- 1/2 Tablespoon or more of Liquid Castile Soap (like Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild) or another natural soap.
- 1/2 Tablespoon of Vegetable Glycerin
- 30-50 drops of Udder Vitality
- I will usually mix the essential oils into the soap first, then add it to the water along with the glycerin. You can add more or less essential oil to the mixture depending on your needs. Rock the mixture before each use.
- You should not have to rinse the udder after washing, however if large amounts of essential oils remain on the teats, and you hand milk or contaminate milk with the left over wash residue, flavors could transfer into your milk. However, we have not noticed milk flavor change due to essential oil use or absorption alone.
DIY Udder Salve
- 1/2 cup Coconut Oils (Raw, Organic - if possible. I usually use the kind that gets solid at room temperature.)
- 1 ounce (1 bar) of Beeswax
- 40-50 drops of Udder Vitality
- Melt the Coconut Oil over low heat, and add the Beeswax. I like to use a glass pan, as it is inert and does not react with any essential oil. Stir often until the Beeswax is melted fully into the Coconut Oil. Allow the mixture to cool, and add the essential oils before it starts to solidify too much. Mix well, and transfer into a glass canning jar to store. If you need to make a stronger salve, you can gently reheat it to aid in the mixing, or if your salve is pliable enough, mix it into the cold mixture. The limiting "freshness" factor of this preparation is how clean you are - we have used jars for 3-6 months without spoiling or rancid concerns. However, if you dip dirty fingers into the mix (as we often do on a farm) - just be sure to smell and evaluate your salve to make sure you have not overly contaminated it. In general, the essential oils help to naturally preserve it - but it is a good idea to double check things along the way.
- I often use this Udder Salve as a replacement for Post-Milking Teat Dip. We often leave our calves on the mother, and share our milk supply. I find that the calves suckle the teat with the essential oils on them very well, and are probably gleaning health benefits all the while!
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