

The quintessential essential oil application for cats! Almost every condition you ask me about for a feline, will contain the response of using a KittyBoost! Not only is it effective, but cats love it. This veterinary formulation carries years of clinical safety data, blood monitoring, and case studies.

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KittyBoost is a fundamental item for all cats.  Cats are unique to the essential oil world, and they are certainly opinionated as well.  All good cat owners know, that we should definitely cater to them.  They are in charge.  And, if we go against what their desires are, we are certain to be shunned, not allowed to pet them, and we might not see them materialize from under the bed for weeks!

The essential oils contained within KittyBoost are specially selected for a wide variety of feline needs.  Expertly blended, and properly diluted, we have had thousands of cats using similar formulas for years.  In our veterinary clinic - we document safety, results, and multiple samples of blood work and urine samples.  However, KittyBoost is not just for cats.  It is one of my favorite blends to use personally, and many non-feline animals use KittyBoost with awesome results!

Why are cats so controversial?

Go to our Cat Page HERE to read more about cats and essential oils.

For almost any ailment your cat may present, or to help maintain health for a lifetime - KittyBoost is where it all began.  KittyBoost LITE is also available, and is just very slightly different than KittyBoost - the LITE version is recommended if you are just starting out with essential oils and your cat, or if you have used KittyBoost and have found it was just a bit too strong for your cat or other animal.  In general, you can be assured that KittyBoost or KittyBoost LITE will be recommended for almost every cat.  The main difference being if your cat has cardiac issues we will suggest CardioBoost, kidney issues UroBoost, etc.  Remember, these "Body Boosts" ARE actually KittyBoost with additional oils to support a targeted body system.  So CardioBoost is KittyBoost with additional cardiovascular supportive oils added.  UroBoost is KittyBoost with additional urological oils added.  LiverBoost is KittyBoost with additional hepatic supportive oils added... and so on.


Key Search Words:  feline leukemia fiv felv forl resorptive lesions stomatitis URI respiratory herpes fading kitten cystitis asthma dental gingivitis ear mites
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*DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not to replace proper medical care and guidance. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA - and any recommendation is not intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease or condition. Please work with your veterinarian with any health concern.

We are able to ship to Canada again! However, please know that we do not know if Canada Post is experiencing delays in delivery. ***We are still slightly delayed in shipping times due to illnesses and holidays. We do apologize! Dismiss